A New Game for Sad Puppies

This bingo card is designed for the coordinators of Sad Puppies IV (Kate Paulk, Sarah Hoyt, and Amanda S. Green), and their fans to collect the
inevitable stream of gendered insults from progressive, feminist, social
justice bullies.


[Update: Small print from bottom of the “Bingo Card” (added for clarity)]

Rules: Mark off one box when its insult is used against you on internet. Save a copy so we can all laugh. Paraphrases count, such as “Traitor to Your Gender” for “Gender Traitor”, or “Ho” for “Whore”. A Doxxing or Swatting does not also count as a Threat. The base boxes both give an extra space. Bomb Threats are counted separately from general Death Threats (GamerGate Rule).

Note: While the overwhelming majority of Social Justice Bullies are too cowardly to actually carry out their threats, please remember to immediately report all threats to the proper authorities.

*Thanks to the progressive pro-feminist Social Justice Bullies of Anti-Gamergate for the list of insults*

A high resolution version is available at my DeviantArt account.

[Update: I’ve deleted that image from my Deviant Art account, as it was too easy to view out of context there. If you need a high resolution version, please email me.]

Please note that just because you disagree
with Sad Puppies, does not mean this satire is aimed at you.
This is
aimed at the people who profess ideals of social justice as an
excuse for being abusive—or who are assholes just looking for an excuse
to insult and threaten people on the internet. Most people who oppose
Sad Puppies are decent people, who oppose that cause because
they sincerely disagree (I think they are wrong,
of course).

[Update: A friend of mine saw this post and was skeptical that the insults, threats, and abuse above had really been used against Gamergate supporters. That’s a reasonable reaction; after all, 99% of the media coverage of Gamergate is horribly negative. So I spent several hours tonight digging through mountains of archived abuse and hatred for some really egregious examples. There are about a third of the “Bingo Card” spaces labeled “no examples yet”. I’m not finished, but I can only take so much negativity in one evening. If there is interest, I will finish. I started with what I thought were the worst ones first, though.

Note, some examples include multiple types of abuse, and may appear under more than one word from the “Bingo Card”. Also while I prefer to use direct links rather than screen captures, in many cases the original abusive message/insult/threat has been removed. One rape threat was even removed from Twitter in the few hours that I was working on this!]


“Bitch” (1), (2)

“Swatting” (1), (2)

“Hysterical” (no examples yet)

“Insult About Weight” (no examples yet)

“Cunt” (1)

“Rape Threat” (1), (2)

“Hag” (no examples yet)

“Fake Woman” (1), (2)

“Skank” (no examples yet)

“Bomb Threat” (1), (2)

“Frigid” (no examples yet)

“Rape Enabler” (no examples yet)

“Internalized Misogyny” (1), (2), (3)

“Needs to Get Laid” (no examples yet)

“Death Threat” (1), (2)

“Twat” (no examples yet)

“Blowup Doll” (1)

“Unfuckable” (no examples yet)

“Threat Against Family” (1), (2), (3), (4)

“Slut” (1)

“Gender Traitor” (1), (2)

“Suck My Dick” (1), (2), (3) [see “Jimmy Rumbles” comment]

“Doxxing” (1), (2), (3), (4)

“Whore” (1), (2)

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