Layers and Layers of Fact Checkers and Editors (Gamergate Edition)

Link to full article on the WSB-TV website. I’m glad WSB-TV issued a clear retraction and appended it to the start of the article, rather than just vanishing their mistake down the memory hole, as is all too common today in the media. While their original story was poorly-sourced, poorly-researched, and just plain wrong, their retraction is well done.

This also goes to demonstrate the pathology of some of the extremist Social Justice Bullies opposed to Gamergate. “Asked not to be identified” went to a great deal of effort to fake screenshots, logs, and an online profile, purely to propagate a vicious lie about Gamergate. “Asked not to be identified” (that should have been a clue to WSB-TV right there) epitomizes the Social Justice Bully mindset of “there are no bad tactics; only bad targets.” When you sufficiently dehumanize your opposition, nothing is becomes too extreme.

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